TWA Panels are some of the best in the business. TWA Panels are available in Radiant Heating, Chilled Sails, & Active Beams.

Radiant heating uses linear panels to create a radiant field inside a space, heating solid objects in the room that then re-radiate heat to give a comfortable warming effect.
The technology is ideally suited to hospitals, schools, laboratories and public buildings, providing a silent, draft-free, thermally stable environment. An aseptic environment can be easily achieved and maintained as our panels have no moving parts and a flush finish. TWA radiant panels are ideal for new build or refurbishment, straightforward to install and architecturally unobtrusive. Panels are offered in ceiling and wall-mounted units giving design flexibility and a clean, modern appearance.

TWA radiant panels provide an efficient method of heating, which provides comfort to a room similar to the way the sun heats the earth. The panel operates using a water-based heat exchange as hot water is channelled through continuous copper pipework coils along aluminum planks. Seated into a tube saddle the pipework is held in direct thermal contact with the planks. A non-hardening heat paste between copper and aluminum, as well as the face profile, ensures even heat distribution overall thermal efficiency emitting a radiant field.
When heated the extruded aluminum planks provide exceptionally high heat transfer and emit a field of electromagnetic radiation. This transfers heat to solid objects “seen” by the panel that are at a lower temperature than the panel itself. The objects then re-radiate heat to give a general warming effect. Whereas traditional convection heating is designed to heat air in a space. Warm air rises and needs to be circulated to heat the space.
Ceiling mounting avoids direct contact with occupants, and as such can operate at higher temperatures than low level applications, where direct contact could cause problems, such as healthcare and education projects.
Panels are custom made to suit a large variety of mounting configurations.
Energy Savings
A radiant panel system is a more efficient means of cooling an environment than an all-air system. The actual amount of energy saved is dependent on many factors, including how well the building is insulated, the building size, and whether or not the system takes advantage of free cooling.
There have been a few studies on the energy savings created by radiant panels. International Energy Studies have performed tests of Hydronic Radiant Cooling in a High-rise Office Building in Oakland, California, which demonstrates some of the cost savings associated with this technology
Maintenance Costs
There is very little involved with the maintenance of a chilled ceiling. Once correctly installed, the radiant panels require little or no further maintenance as they have no moving parts, and are kept up and out of the way. This makes radiant panels particularly useful in high traffic areas such as busy airport walkways or school gymnasiums.
Also, there are no dust collecting surfaces so they do not need to be taken apart to be cleaned. Less maintenance would be required for the air handling and air conditioning units due to the reduction in size and load required by the building.
Construction Costs
Radiant panel systems provide significant savings in construction costs due to their efficient use of space. Because the required air volume for radiant systems is lower, the need for large amounts of duct work above the ceiling is greatly reduced. This requires a lower a plenum height and in turn, results in an overall lower building height of about 1 foot per floor.
Increased Floor Space
For office or apartment buildings, the leasable area of a room would be reduced by any wall mounted mechanical equipment around its perimeter. With radiant panels up in the ceiling, this space is kept free.
Comfort levels can be better than those of other conditioning systems because radiant loads are treated directly and air motion in space is at normal ventilation levels.
Radiant panels are silent and virtually draft free since air flow volumes are reduced compared to conventional systems (typical radiantly cooled office building: 2 to 3 air exchanges per hour compared to 6 to 10 with conventional systems).
Space conditioning equipment is not needed at the outside walls, simplifying the wall, floor and structural systems.
Almost all mechanical equipment may be centrally located, simplifying maintenance and operation.
No space is required within the conditioned room for mechanical equipment. This is especially valuable in hospital patient rooms and other applications where space is at a premium, where maximum cleanliness is essential, or where it is dictated by legal requirements.
Draperies and curtains can be installed at the outside wall without interfering with the space conditioning system.
Cooling and heating can be simultaneous, without central zoning or seasonal changeover when four pipe systems are used.
The modular panel concept provides flexibility to meet changes in partitioning.
A common central air system can serve both the interior and the perimeter zones.
Wet surface cooling coils are eliminated from the occupied space, reducing potential for septic contamination.
The panel system can use the automatic sprinkler system piping (see NFPA standard 13, Chapter 3, Section 3.6). The maximum water temperature must not fuse the heads.
Peak loads are reduced as a result of thermal energy storage in the panel structure, exposed walls, and partitions.
Radiant panels can be retrofitted into the false ceilings of older buildings as the plenum space requirement is minimal relative to fan coil units or VAV systems.
Flexible systems can be incorporated into any heating scheme with few dimensional constraints
Twa can ship linear panels pre-cut to the exact length required and installation is straight-forward
Modular panels can fit in a standard T-bar grid, and are easily installed or re-configured